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“Cash Me Ousside” | The Rise of Danielle Bregoli

“Cash Me Ousside” | The Rise of Danielle Bregoli

Via Pop Dust

I’m sure that most of you have seen this infamous “cash me ousside” meme. It completely took the Internet by storm. Although, how successful did this meme actually become? Well, get ready to learn how this meme turned a 13-year-old girl into an internet sensation who now makes thousands of dollars per year.

Danielle Bregoli first appeared on a Dr. Phil episode revolving around her disobedient and disrespectful behaviour towards her mother. Danielle Bregoli’s mother hoped that Dr. Phil would be able to help change and improve her daughter’s behaviour. However, on the show, Danielle Bregoli was just as disrespectful to both Dr. Phil and the studio audience. Bregoli called the audience “hoes” and that they could “catch her outside”, which means she would be ready to fight them outside. This scene was then created into a meme and shortly after, it went viral online.

The Dr. Phil Show

The meme spread rapidly on social media being shared mostly on Twitter and Facebook. The meme went on to have several different variations that were created by other social media users. The following images were some of the most popular versions of the meme.


After the meme went viral, Bregoli took advantage of her new-found popularity and used it to make a profit. Since then, she has seen considerable success. Bregoli started her own YouTube channel that has grown exponentially. Her YouTube channel, Bhad Bhabie, has over 3.5 million subscribers with her videos each receiving hundreds of thousands of views. She has even started her own music career by producing her own music and music videos, with her most popular one receiving over 76 million views on YouTube. That video has received more views than some music videos by famous pop stars. For example, Bregoli’s music video has garnered more views than the music video of Alessia Cara’s song, “Scars To Your Beautiful”. Bregoli also has more than 12 million followers on Instagram, which she has leveraged to land some brand deals. To give you some perspective, brand deals can lead to thousands of dollars in profit for social media influencers.

@bhadbhabie on Instagram

In addition, Bregoli is now charging about $30,000 for meet and greets and she has an estimated net worth of about $150,000 (The Sun). She has also reportedly signed on to be the star of a new reality show which is said to be produced by a major production company. The show will most likely revolve around the relationship between Bregoli and her mother (Independent). Moreover, the fact that Bregoli is only 14 years old and earning thousands of dollars, shows just how powerful a meme can be. Therefore, social media and the Internet can literally transform someone’s life to go from rags to riches in a matter of days.

Not only has she used her popularity to start multiple new channels of revenue, but Bregoli is still capitalizing on her original meme. For example, she is selling various pieces of merchandise online with the phrase “cash me ousside, howbow dah.” Additionally, she is threatening to sue Walmart over the company using the phrase on some of their clothing items (Business Insider). Bregoli is staking her claims to the popular meme phrase because it is a valuable piece of online culture that can help make her money. Bregoli has taken the meme and commodified it, and it is undoubtedly working for her.

Bregoli is one of a few examples of how one can successfully capitalize on internet popularity. A meme can be easily forgotten because of the abundance of other memes being shared online every single day. For example, the meme, Damn Daniel, was popular for some time, but it soon was forgotten in the sea of other memes and viral content. However, Bregoli has somehow stayed atop of it all. She has grown her short stint into a piece of online culture that keeps on growing. She turned her bad behaviour into something that people want to share and keep tabs on. It is very difficult to keep the attention of a mass audience, but she has managed to do it. People tend to share things that they can relate to or things that evoke emotion and Bregoli’s personality seems to do both. Take notes people, because Bregoli is obviously doing something right.

However, Bregoli has had some considerable backlash from her rise to fame. Some people do not believe that she should be getting popularity and fame from being disrespectful and rude. Some think that by supporting her and engaging with her online content, it signifies that bad behaviour can lead to rewards. As a result, people may think that practicing bad behaviours could potentially increase their chances of becoming popular just like Bregoli. Despite of the backlash and some online haters, she has continued to grow her online presence and popularity. A similar parallel to this would be the Logan Paul scandal. Even though he posted a horrendous video online that gained a lot of backlash, his YouTube channel still obtained a significant number of subscribers. Thus, Bregoli has still managed to successfully leverage and grow her internet popularity despite some negative opinions and perspectives from the public.

In conclusion, Danielle Bregoli has done something that is hard to do. She has been able to extend her 15 minutes of fame to become an internet sensation. She has made a simple meme into a piece of online culture that millions of people want to be a part of and engage with. She has uncovered the true secret to becoming a successful online sensation.

So, who do you think is going to be the next big meme star?